This page contains a bunch of bug reports related to transition-behavior: allow-discrete

All demos use @bramus/style-observer which set up a transitionstart listener on a bunch of properties that are being tracked. See for details on how this library works.

In all of the demos it is expected that clicking any button updates the output shown underneath the button row.

# Chrome Bugs

Tested in Chrome 130.0.6692.0 (Official Build) canary (arm64)

Unregistered Custom Properties don’t trigger a transitionstart

chrome/unregistered-no-transition/ – the custom properties --variable1 and --variable2 are not registered.
Expected behavior
When clicking the --variable1 or --variable2 buttons, the output should change.
Actual Behavior
Nothing happens because no transitions get triggered.
You can work around this by registering the custom properties using @property, but that only works in some cases (see next bug).
Bug Report

# Firefox Bugs

Tested in Firefox Nightly 131.0a1 (2024-09-01) (aarch64)

Transitioning display does not trigger a transitionstart

Expected behavior
When clicking the display button the output should update.
Actual Behavior
Nothing Happens because no transitionstart gets fired.
Bug Report

When first setting the value of a unregistered custom property, no transitionstart is triggered

firefox/unregistered-no-transition/ – the custom property --variable2 is not registered with @property and is currently not part of any declaration.
Expected behavior
Clicking the --variable2 button updates the output
Actual Behavior
The first click does nothing. All successive clicks do trigger the transition.
Not sure if it is specced what should happen here. As an author, I’d like to get notified of this change though.
Bug Report

Registered Custom Properties with syntaxes that can be interpolated rarely trigger a transitionstart

firefox/registered-no-transition/ – the custom properties --variable1 and --variable2 are registered with @property. The former as a <number> and the latter as a <custom-ident>
Expected behavior
Clicking the --variable1 button updates the output
Actual Behavior
It doesn’t, or only rarely does, when rage clicking the button
Triggering the --variable2 button does always update trigger a transitionstart which leads me to believe the bug is limited to syntaxes that can be interpolated.
Bug Report

# Safari Bugs

Tested in Safari Technology Preview 202

Transitioning Unregistered Custom Properties cause a transition loop

safari/unregistered-loop/ – the custom properties --variable1 and --variable2 are not registered.
Expected behavior
When clicking the --variable1 or --variable2 buttons, the output should change and the transition should have triggered only once.
Actual Behavior
While the output does change, the transition is repeatedly triggered. You can verify this by checking the console, which logs "_handleUpdate" on transitionstart
Bug Report

Transitioning Registered Custom Properties with discretely animatable syntaxes cause a transition loop

safari/registered-discrete-loop/ – the custom properties --variable1 and --variable2 are registered with @property. The former as a <number> and the latter as a *
Expected behavior
When clicking the --variable2 button, the output should change and the transition should have triggered only once.
Actual Behavior
While the output does change, the transition is repeatedly triggered. You can verify this by checking the console, which logs "_handleUpdate" on transitionstart. This does not happen when clicking the --variable1 button.
When changing --variable2 to a syntax of <string> it also doesn’t work but changing it to <custom-ident> (and changing the initial-value) does work.
Bug Report

Noteworthy: Custom Properties registered with a <custom-ident> syntax

The only Custom Property syntax that seems to work well across the board is custom-ident (see reference demo). You could use this if you want to respond to string-like values but note that these cannot start with a number (read: you can’t use this syntax to directly store numbers).